Current Status - Not a Release - Why Did Translations Slow Down/Cease?

It's been a while since I wrote anything on the *blog*. Well, that's how just how things are.1Testing new note plugin

So, since I haven't given any word of myself or got anything to release yet (been translating but very slowly, so I don't have a chapter to release) I might as well give write something.

To put it shortly: there are two factors behind why there are no releases.

One is work, I've been really busy until last month. I've got less work now, but I'm busy - as always. I know I repeat this all the time, but whenever I mention I'm busy with work I'm always completely honest. Still busyness with work alone wouldn't be enough to stop me from translating stuff...

The second reason is fatigue when it comes to translation(?) and loss of interest in the story as a whole. Even when super busy with work, if I had the translation fever still going on I would definitely put out content. So the loss of interest in OSO's story must have had a major role in all that.

I still love OSO and AMA and I buy every volume of OSO that comes out (I have them all and will be buying next one that comes out this week), but the interest that drove me to translate like mad is mostly extinguished. I don't know whether it is because the story has grown repetitive and not as entertaining, or whether it is because my tastes changed.

One of the reasons might be the fact that OSO's author has been putting all his recent efforts into his other novel, Monster Factory (there hasn't been new OSO volume for half a year now, but the new novel has like 6 or 7 volumes already), but I should not blame this on author.

To put it into comparison, I've recently (and I mean recently, last week or so) started reading Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja, and the story sucked me in completely to the point I'm rereading it again now. At some point of reading Nanoru Kenja I caught myself thinking "oh, I wanna translate it" which incredibly contrasted with my "recent" lack of interest on translating OSO. This clear difference in the level of my own interest in Nanoru Kenja and OSO made me realize why I was so apathetic when it comes to translating OSO for the last year.

Well, that's how it is. A combination of real life busyness and gradual loss of interest in OSO's story for multiple reasons.

Still, like I previously said I haven't decided to drop OSO's translations, at least not at this point. I do wait and honestly hope I will find a renewed interest in the story that would fire me up to translating it.
