Minor Updates

Just a few minor updates for Daybreak to announce:

  • Rewrote the third scene in v3ch10 (the tactical meeting after Cecylia's encounter with Lotharin racism). I do have the habit of editing a lot and ch10/ch11 is being pulled on especially for being unsatisfactory in my mind. You can check it out or wait till later when the volume is finished and all the major edits have gone in.
  • Updated battle maps for v3ch13 - hopefully this version is less overcrowded / confusing. You may need to refresh page to see it.
  • Posted the Hyperion military structure/organization as a special chapter - I've tried to discuss this in story several times but... the writing just always feels so dry. Thus it'll just be attached as a supplementary information for those interested.

Comments on any of the changes would be welcomed, whether you liked or disliked it. Chapter 13 - the battle of Gwilen River - received a lot less comments than usual, so I've been wondering if people disliked it, found it confusing, inconsistent, or anything like that?