Only Sense Online Chapter 1 is out.

OSO_v01_027Now, the release I really wanted to do badly. Only Sense Online chapter 1 is quite an introduction to the series, and you can tell how characteristic it is, and what is the premise of it. Link to the release in HERE. Warning, slightly spoilerish ahead so you should first read the Chapter 1. Although there's nothing THAT serious.

Honestly I think it has very similar points to Log Horizon, as someone already pointed out. It has a deeply-thinking main character who wants to delve into the game mechanics beyond "smashing" everything and grinding stuff and aims for a support-type role. Which is very similar to Shiroe's (from log horizon) approach to things. Though I have to say this mc is... MUCH CUTER than Shiroe. I don't think anyone would deny that right? Anyway, this novel is one of the most MMO-centered novels I've read. While previously mentioned Log Horizon happens in a ?game? world, it's an 'ended up in a different world' story. SAO is a hybrid story that happens in many games, but it's closer to a virtual reality rather than a pure MMO game and it has 'dramatic' realistic developments. And OSO, for the time being is purely MMO-centered novel. Plus MC is cute, Yun is justice! ...damn, I'm awakening in a weird direction because of this novel. 

Now then, I'm going back to work. I'll work a bit and translate a bit of OSO again. Like always, when I'm free of work I'll return to AntiMagic. As for Omae wo status - when I feel like it, as I announced when I picked it up.

I wanted to announce something... but I forgot what. Well, next time.