Teasing Mari. Date a Sword? Die, shitty glasses.

TMG_v06_0090Yes yess, another release, last few releases were quite fast so I'm starting to slightly tired〜.

Link here〜.

Now, for this time's agenda... I'll bring up what happened today since there's nothing else really to talk about.

There was some guy bashing one of the series saying how bad it is or even went as far as to call it 'garbage'. I will not tolerate that kind of actions, like I wrote when editing one of his comments, this place is for people to enjoy the novels, and comments are there to share their impressions and thoughts. Bashing a series hardly counts as sharing impressions, more like taking a dump in the comments for self-satisfaction. I will delete all comments bashing series no matter the reason, knowing that people wouldn't like to look at comment section full of insults towards the series they like. Also, I will not allow any flame wars and insults amongst commenting people as well. In extreme cases I do have tools to ban folks, which would surely severely inconvenience the troublemakers.
