The current state of krytyk and the blog.

For years now, I havent' released anything. Well, the main reason being busy in real life.. but also because the translation scene and official novel translations changed as well.

Getting my projects constantly picked up by official channels is a great thing, but kinda invalidates my fan translations which was pretty discouraging. Which pretty much sums up the reason why there was no translations.

I do have some unreleased translations I never had a chance to put up, but I will probably not be putting it here on the blog, since it would be a huge pain - I might just send it for someone to host elsewhere.

Anyway, in regards to the state of the blog. In near future it might be taken down the domain might lead to the webarchive version of the site, as not to bother Simon (the gracious host who has been hosting the blog for years now). And eventually the domain might expire.

In case you don't hear anything from me anymore, thanks for reading the stuff I've translated with my somewhat newbie Japanese, hope you enjoyed.


PS: Dammit, I should have finished translating Antimagic's side stories before closing up.

11 thoughts on “The current state of krytyk and the blog.

  1. gohanish

    Thanks a lot man. Hope you have a great life ahead. Also can you like move some pages to blogspot, as some form of legacy. And do you have socials.

  2. Lumen

    thank you very much for your translations , i enjoyed a lot some of your projects hope u have a great future and life!

  3. Roy Eldritch

    Well, thank you for your translation on OSO and FLFO, I did eat them up and the quality was really good, like in case of FLFO, way more than the official translation of the LN that I decided to buy after discovering it (No really, the LN of FLFO it's like it was not proof read or didn't have any editor it's crazy after having followed your and Karu's translation of the Webnovel).
    But in any case, I wish you good continuation and all that !

  4. master_tonberry

    I’ll be sad to see you go. I have to agree that it’s a very different scene from the one you started in, both for better and for worse. Good luck in your future endeavours and please know you made my life a little brighter with your content.

  5. AZ09XO

    Dang, it's a shame that you're leaving since you're the one that got me into reading web novels in the first place. Thanks for translating all the works so far and I wish you the best in the future. 🫡

  6. HextecNeko

    god dyam its sad to see the end of an era but its been great while it lasted ! anyways i guess its time to binge read everything on here ;-;


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