
Nice to meet you for the first time, or possibly, it's been a while. I'm Fujiwara Yuu.

I have delivered "Senketsu no Elf".

As the author, I intended to challenge an orthodox fantasy series. But looking back once again at the content I feel that strangely there's lots of things like blood and entrails, I mean, the title is "Elvenblood" and it turned into something like a dark fantasy, for myself who has only written bright and colourful comedies I really worry how will this dark fantasy be taken by the world and I'm exceedingly uneasy about this, I'm sorry I lied I have never written colourful romantic comedies.

In general, I wrote it as I pleased. For those who have read my book so far, I'm going to write this book like I usually do so leave it to me. For those who read this book for the first time, don't be too defensive and just take it easy.

There's lots of individuals that subjectively like or hate bright or dark stories but, I think you need to think in terms of whether it's interesting or not! ...and so, I try to praise myself.

I'm indebted to many people for their help preparing this document.

Kona-san in charge of illustrations. Starting with Imina and Ellis, as well as Milifica, thank you very much for breathing life into the characters. Ever since I saw the illustrations in the book stores, I thought that it would be great if we worked forever from now on and I'm happy. The editor-in-charge Satou-san as well as Hirai-san. Somehow I have inconvenienced you with lots of things, in these acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude. Thank you very much.

Also reviewers and designers, the people in each of publisher's department. Thank you for letting me make a good book.

And last, the readers, to be precise all of you who have read this book. If I have brought some colours into your life with this book, then there's nothing that would make me more happy.


The second volume of the series——of course the preparations of the story's continuation are already advancing, but in this tough world whether it's published or not depends on the sales, if you have liked it then try to recommend it to your friends and acquaintances as well as on the net, I would be glad if you did so. We'll meet again, of course if it sells, that is. Please take care of me.

Well then, so that we meet again in the near future.