OSO Chapter 5 out

OSO_v01_188A.D. 2014. Unknown day, unknown hour.

They still keep me in the cellar, all I've been given is water and basic food. They continue to to provide me light and raw materials for translating. I don't know how long they'll hold me here... I-I haven't seen daylight for days. When will this hell end...

Well, that was a joke, though I could try expanding that kind of setting for fun, what's keeping me prisoner is this addicting novel. Guess I need to defeat it first before I'm released. Anyway, chapter 5 here, not much real action happens, but Yun starts to mature his talents and they are being recognized by surroundings. For more, read HERE.

PS: I found a lot more respect for Magi-san after this chapter, I already liked her before that though, but she's a good girl. Really likeable.