Antimagic taken down for now due to issues with BT.


Ufufufu, uhhihihihi, hahahahaha!

I'm not going to write too long a post because I'm horribly tired (need sleep after being up for thirty hours). Basically, BT received a DMCA which included the french version of antimagic from kadokawa, so it's a matter of "do I wait until my blog is dmca'd" or "take down immediately". In any case, if I receive a dmca I'll have to take it down one way or another. Anyway, for now it's taken down while under deliberation.

Update: To relieve your sadness despair, there are new illustrations for OSO:SG or SM, how I decided to rename it. Each chapter already released has already one or more illustration there wasn't in the magazine version (on top of the illustrations that were already there and were re-uploaded with digital quality). Also, there's illustrations page which has a few more.
