Darkness imouto, so cute.

TMG_v05_073Now, shortly after the chapter 1 was released, there you go with the chapter 2 of Antimagic Academy, it might feel like early Christmas for a reason but don't mind it. Enjoy the cute imouto photo on the right side, also enjoy the other illustrations featured in this chapter... they're soo nice~.

Well, not much to say this time, ugh, if you want anything, write in the comment, drop by the IRC channel or whatever.

Oh, and if you can, if it's possible to you and you have some money to spare... no, I'm not asking for donations.

Go buy original version of the books you have enjoyed on my blog. Support the author, that's only fair to pay for something you enjoyed. And if you did it, then why not post cover pictures or screenshots of what you got and brag about it? Whether physical or digital versions in their applications or on devices, all the same!

—— Krytyk