Fluff descends. Kirito descends (?!).

In other words, starting up with OSO. The Prologue is of considerable length, so I decided to make it a separate release.

It's a huge surprise and shock how easy translating this is when it comes to mental strain, there's practically none. Anyway, chapter link here.

So, the descent of mysterious ikemen god into the world of OSO who looks like a buffed-up and bad-ass Kirito from SAO. Aloha Zachou-sensei and yukisan-sensei really've done it now (lol).

PS: On the other hand, on the right, we have something much better than some buffed-up punk. Although, for full resolution you'll have to volume 6's illustration's page.

PS2: Forgot to put in the greyscale illustration into the chapter. Done now. Refresh if need.
