More OSO? Any time! It strikes back from a different perspective!


AaAaAaaaa, OoooOooOoo, OooooOoOo, AaaAa, aAAAa, aaa aAaAa aAaaaAaAa Oo oOOoOo

Well then, accordingly to the announcement earlier, a release of Myu SS something that seems like the first chapter of Myu's volume!

Judging by the chapter itself and what magazine says, apparently something called Only Sense Online - Silver Goddess, or Silver Muse (it's a play on Myu's nickname, but since the word play doesn't work in English, I decided to translate and use the Japanese "goddess". As for Explanation on Muse, it's written in furigana above "goddess" with "ミューズ" (Myu-zu), I guess you get it, right?) is serialized in Dragon Magazine, I'm guessing that it'll eventually be released in a full volume format.

Well then, I think its is an amazing change of perspective and we get to see more of Myu's thinking, and her side of the story. I enjoyed it lots.

Ah, I would forget. I also created a new page for stray illustrations featured elsewhere yet not belonging to any volume. Mainly because one has appeared in Oppai Dragon Magazine attached to May's Dragon Magazine's release. Make sure to check out the sexy sistarzu!

PS: Thanks again to the person who delivered the raws. I normally wouldn't bother shipping the magazine all the way to Europe just for one chapter.
