Wanna touch pointy ears.

TMG_v06_0016Yes pointy ears chap... er, AntiMagic chapter. Pointy ears included though.

Link in here.

Now, there are two issues currently identified on the blog I'm going to address in the near future. One - I'll try to unify and do a better management of epubs/pdf's, as well as add a quality requirement for them (Although, what I mean is that they should have functional furigana for series that require furigana - i.e. elysion and antimagic), not sure how will I do it yet... but currently it's all over the place, links going up and down, there's a lot of different versions and formats...

Second issue is something Bareus pointed out, an issue with footnotes in full text version whereas some footnotes direct you to wrong chapter. It's something I'll have to address manually, and it'll be done when I have some free time.

That's it. Enjoy the chapter.
