And finally...

The last chapter of Daybreak volume 2 is out! It's a little late (partially due to a blog backup migration), but it's also much longer than my usual.

Much thanks goes to Kadi for help bringing it about. I pestered him with enough drafts to make him tired of reading it XD Given the difficult characters involved, this chapter was quite challenging to write.

I expect it will take a few weeks before I'm truly ready to tackle volume 3. As you can tell from the chapter's end, there are a lot of details to prepare, and even more characters to introduce (I can hear some readers groaning). Volume 2 planning was rather rushed after the finish of volume 1 and it took its toll, so I'm not making that mistake again!

That being said, volume 3 will start with a few slice-of-life chapters. This is not just to offer the characters a break but also motivated by political necessity, which Pascal will touch base on during the first chapter.

During the break I'll be working on setting design, storyboarding, starting to find an artist (help on this is always welcomed o/), etc etc. It won't all be quiet either as I plan to post some character/country profiles, and possibly a few 'special' chapters that I'm simply writing for fun.

Things to expect for Daybreak volume 3:

  • Proper downtime after the hasty events of Winter Typhoon.
  • Marina joins the party.
  • Cecylia joins the party proper (as opposed to detached duty).
  • Kaede ''discusses'' the concept of a limited gunpowder adaptation for Hyperion warfare and weighs its pros and cons.
  • Sylviane pokes Kaede's past and the genderswap discomforts she doesn't want to think about.
  • Pascal deals with the aftermath of the Nordkreuz bombing and plans for its economic recovery, with insight into Hyperion industrialization/infrastructure.
  • Tofu (I miss tofu...).

Lastly, a big thanks to everyone who provided feedback for chapter 15. I rewrote the last scene about Admiral Winter. For those interested, please take a look and see if it fits better ^^

~~ Aorii