Category Archives: Only Sense Online

Lots of Cute is Coming.

OSO_v08_004All right, the book came a few days ago and here we go with the first translations.

Now, the comment... I read the entire book already and I can assure you that this volume (at least for me) is one of the best ones so far. Possibly because there's hardly any Taku shipping in there, instead, it's all cute girls, cute stuff and cute hijinks. Yay.

The next chapter will take a little longer because there's an illustration I definitely want coloured. Look forward to it.

Prologue, Chapter 1 links.

And as always, please purchase the book if it's possible for you. Support the author and support the publisher.

PS: That Myu in dress is so cute.


And another volume complete.

OSO_vSM_221Let's start with the links to completed stuff. Chapter 5, Afterword, Full Text.

And next, the talk titled "about what's next". Basically, I have no idea. I thought of picking something up and have potential candidates, but I'm completely unsure whether it's a good idea to pick anything up at all considering none of us who are translating stuff here know what we're standing on. So for the time being I might not pick anything new and just observe how everything unfolds.

Of course OSO volume 8 is in plans without any change, unless something happens again, in which case I would probably move to translating different type of content, I presume. Anyway, for now I'm gonna wait and watch what's happening... I think.

PS: From now on I will mercilessly delete all comments suggesting novels to pick up as well as comments from desperate leechers.

PS2: Someone mentioned they wanted a timer... kinda late, but there you go. In less than 2 hours OSO 8 comes out. Of course there will be no update or release on the blog even if the timer reaches the end. It's purely a timer until the book comes out in Japan.

And here's the link for purchasing the novel on bookwalker.



The Advent of The Perverted Molester

OSO_vSM_101CFirst things first, I welcome you all in the new year. I hope you all had fun and good time with your families during the holidays. Second, no, I said perverted molester, but I mean someone else, not myself.

It's my first release in a while and honestly, I've had a hard time returning my brain to "translation mode", meanwhile I coloured an illustration (SeventhTale with his colourings motivated me to, make sure to check his stuff out in the Fan Creations gallery). You can see the new one of mine's on the right. Yeah, that one.

Next, AntiMagic... for the time being it's dropped. For now I'm gonna wait to see whether AMA gets an official translation (that would be great). Still, most likely it's gonna be dropped for good. And yeah, I know what you guys think - I do lurk all over (though mainly on 4ch). But it's just the matter of time we'd get our server bombed and I don't intend to hide around like a rat, that aside - explicitly going against the wishes of the rightholder is pretty much being a faggot. Maybe I'll pick up a new novel instead. Let's all hope antimagic is picked up and released by Kadokawa's Bookwalker (it's a good service so I recommend it).

And to the chapter release. My only active series currently, OSO, yayy! (heck, just recently I've had three series, now I've got just one... when did that happen?) Without further ado, chapter link here.

PS: Make sure to support the author and the publisher by purchasing either original story, translations when they come out, or products derived from them (manga, anime).


Aaaaand OSO Volume 7 Complete.

OSO_v07_263Another volume is behind me. It's a good thing of course, but there's something that unnerves me.

Yes, the fact that the releases come too often. I wish I had some time to work on re-translating early AMA volumes and editing the rest... especially now, with the anime fans coming over. I mean, it's not like I slacked and fucked up horribly, but my style and language proficiency in both English and Japanese improved over what's soon to be 3 years (next month) and 25+ volumes I translated so far (not to mention manga and stuff you won't ever see my name on, hmph). It nearly physically pains me to be judged for my earlier(especially the earliest) translations right now.

Geh. Now, filled the post with complaints, I feel better. Next, links: Epilogue, Afterword, Full Text.

What's next? Of course AMA:AM, but before that I'd like to take a short break to do some other stuff I have planned.

PS: About the afterword, sorry Megaman fans if I screwed up something, I never watched nor read Megaman so I might have possibly screwed up those references.


Just a Little More.

TMG_v09_221CWell then, this one is all action.

As for space fulfilment... nothing to say, really, I don't feel like sitting here thinking of something interesting either. Sorry.

Therefore, just the link.

And the illustration... why AntiMagic's illustration? Because I hadn't had a chance to show off this one colouring (it was in the gallery, but never on the main page). Slightly rough in some places because of the soft lines, but I'm too lazy of an ass to fix every small detail. I still think it came out quite well. ...oh, I filled the post somehow after all! This is the power of illustrations!
