Category Archives: AntiMagic Academy

A modest Christmas release

Santa_Mari Santa_UsagiHey everyone, been a while... maybe not so long, but usually I release more often.

This time, well, Christmas. I wish everyone the best, strong luck and all that, merry Christmas.

I don't have any big release to do, sorry if you hoped for more but I've got only one chapter to release, which I struggled to finish as I was very busy with the Christmas preparations, cooking, buying presents, et cetera et cetera. Another thing that hit me hard is the Antimagic volume 9 which I read and took a strong hit, as it usually is with this series :).

You can find the link to AA Volume 7 Chapter 4 here. Well, unfortunately that's the only thing I have. Yes, I know it's not a fitting fluffy release like Kadi's which can warm up your heart during Christmas, rather, the opposite...

That's why I prepared Santa-sans! Cute Santa-sans to heal your hearts!

You can just enjoy the Santa-sans and come back to read darkness after Christmas is over if you don't want to plague your holiday with darkness of the series. You have been WARNED.

Some details might be standing out on the images, but I haven't had time to spend on them, moreover the AA illustrations are more specific with their blur on edges making it hard to colour them and would require redrawing the lines which I didn't do.

Originally I planned to at least release one chapter of Omae wo with this release to lighten it up... but as I said, I was busy. I might still translate and release it... but I don't promise anything.




TMG_v07_0088The chapters are getting slightly longer every time, next one will be longer and so will be the one after that... and the one after that.

You can find the link here.

As for the release of AntiMagic volume 9... 2 days left, 2 days and 3 hours until I get my hands on the copy.  Can't wait.

I have decided to go with two-stage teasing, and I'll say that I have already more or less chose the new project (still a long way to go until I pick it up), and will announce it when the that time comes closer.

Why do I mention that? Obviously to fill more space in the post. That's why.

EDIT: I'm not going to make a new post for it, but I want to mention that the HQ cover has appeared for AntiMagic volume 9, and it looks just AWESOME. You can find it in illustrations section of Volume 9 or the project page. Or just here.


It's not my fault those chapters are so short.

TMG_v07_0080So, I sat down and translated another chapter over some 6-8 hours, yay.

Link in here.

Now, I'll rant a bit about the change in usage of furigana, I thought that usage of furigana in some limited cases is quite excessive, although I don't go back on my policy of including both names, as it is in the original in most cases, but for the most often appearing ones I'm going to cut down to one, two instances of double naming for the same name per chapter. I will also edit older volumes accordingly, but not right now. After I catch up to the newest volume I plan to make a thorough check-through on entire AntiMagic, while confirming it with raws at the same time - especially for volumes 1-4.


Darkness is back. Yes, darkness.

TMG_v07_0038Using the free time I had over the last few days I did some translations, rejoice!

You can find the links for Prologue and Chapter 1 of AA volume 7 under their respective mentions.

There's only a week left until AA volume 9 comes out in Japan and I'm super excited. My body is ready. Like always, I'm not going to upload the illustrations until the public raws appear, sorry folks.

As for volume 7 of AA... lovers of darkness should be satisfied with it. It is quite dark. Even if the illustration on the right doesn't seem to give it away...

Aside from that, I'm still on a break, or it's better to say that I'm still resting. Yes, don't torch me, I will behave and take care of my health. (Speaking of which, some of you folks sure are worried about me, aren't you... or maybe worried about your translation source disappearing :p).

Well that's it, enjoy the chapter(s?).



AntiMagic Volume 6 complete.

TMG_v06_coverNow then, we have reached the end of another volume, I will be creating the fulltext page soon after posting this message. For now, here are the links for Epilogue and Afterword. Edit: Full Text done.

Like always give the translations some time so that they can be looked-through and edited to an acceptable state before making pdfs epubs mobis and stuff.

Now, as for the schedule what will be done next... I don't know. Only Sense Online volume 4 has no release date announced, and such it won't appear within at least next 2 months, that leaves me two things to do - either work on AntiMagic volume 7... which is quite dark, or maybe take a leisurely break and maybe do some of Omae wo in meantime at slow slooow pace.

Next series to do aside, I will be taking a break from translating one way or another, gotta do RL stuff, work, and such.

I will make an announcement when AntiMagic volume 9 cover or OSO's release date appears, which should be any time soon in both cases.

Also... next week, it'll be a exactly a year since I started translating... seems like I did whole damn 13 volumes of novels within a year. Maybe I'll colour some illustration to post then to celebrate my advent, is there any illustrations that really strike your fancy and you would like to see in colour?
