Category Archives: Only Sense Online

It's over. The end, and the beginning.

OSO_v04_283So... OSO volume 4 is over, the end also marks the beginning... beginning of the long wait for next volume. Yay, doesn't that make you all so happi?

Well, back to the normal routine. Links are here: Epilogue, Afterword and Sense Build Data. Also, Full Text.

I'm going to put another remainder, because there's never enough. Please do try to buy the novels you've read and enjoyed on the blog. I know there's some discussion spawned on the topic of paying translators for fan translations... but screw that, rather than pay some random translators, you should pay what you owe to authors and publishers. They are the ones who have created the amazing stories you read. I don't want anything, though I might reconsider it when I start to starve and sell my kidney... except maybe, that tobi-doll someone said they're gonna make :P.

Comment on entirety of volume 4... a very good volume. The less-attractive parts of the webnovel have been rewritten in a good way, making it very attractive and fun. If there was one thing I'd complain about... it's not enough Toutobi, ohh Tobi-chan... how much do I love you...


What a cute creature, just adorable.


*tremble* *tremble* *tremble*

Uh, yeah chapter 6. Slightly delayed because I was busy doing the colour spread redraws and lots of them.

Let's see... this chapter's highlight? Of course this cute creature on the right. Adorable. Why do those sisters light such a fire in my heart.

There's also Mikadzuchi and Cloude on illustrations, did you imagine them like that? Did you imagine them differently? I wonder.

I already have epilogue and afterword translated... but don't expect me to release it anytime soon. I will redraw sense build data illustrations (4 of them) and release them along with epilogue and afterword for the volume's last, sizable release.

Chapter link.


Long, long, loong. LOoooong chapter.

OSO_v04_185It's been a while, took me a while to sort out various stuff, translate and edit the illustration. Meanwhile there was also a server migration of the blog... you probably barely even noticed have you. Hail the guy in charge of it, the host-god Simone.

Back to the release, this chapter is nearly as big as chapter 1 + chapter 2 at once, so there's a lot to enjoy.



Yeah, well. That.

OSO_v04_001Another chapter out, this one was quite long plus there was illustration to redraw and typeset. Hopefully this chapter will put an end to one of never-ending questions about certain something Yun didn't do.

Second thing, next chapter is big-ass huge and also has a colour redraw, to top it off, I'm seriously busy. Probably there'll be nothing out for 3-4 days.

Chapter link.

EDIT: AA's 35th Test Platoon volume 10 release date was announced! Yay! It comes out on 18th of April and the Japanese volume title is "Witch Hunt War (beginning)"!



Mysterious Masked Heroine of Justice appears!!

OSO_v04_099All right, with the Chapter 3 that'll be it for the shorter chapters of this volume (although chapter 3 is longest so far), as the chapters ahead will be only lengthier (chapter 4 and 6 by 30% and chapter 5 by 80%).

A new character appears, wow, much intrigue, so plot, very excite! And on a serious note, while I quite like the character... my number one is still Tobi-chan, then number two is Lucato. Yun of course isn't included in the ranking as a divine existence.
