Author Archives: Aorii

Another Update, and on Artwork

Kaede-Semi-Final-7-11-2016Trying not to steal Krytyk's thunder here ^^

But alas, a faster chapter update for Daybreak, as promised. There is a certain scene in this chapter that will certainly raise eyebrows. I'm still a little concerned over its appropriateness (it's justified in a logical matter, but may rub some the wrong way). I guess we shall see.

[ Chapter 11 ]

We are now pushing into the 2nd half of Volume 3 now, which means I need to be doing battle research again -- the battlefront has ballooned from vol2's a few thousand to over 100,000. But there is still one more chapter before things truly heat up, in which Kaede will meet someone she's been wanting to talk to for a long time.

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Daybreak Diary #4: On Chapter Release Time

The belated update to Daybreak is here. I do apologize for the delay -- mostly caused because I started the chapter late, as I was too busy roleplaying a giant, spacefaring mushroom on a bid to unite the universe... no seriously.

The good news is, I've already started the next chapter to make up for the delay. With any luck, it'll be out much faster this time -- hopefully around two weeks.

Also, since marksy.arc90 seems to be dead, I'm currently looking for another easy-to-use WikiCode to HTML converter to use for Daybreak. Yet to find a satisfactory one so recommendations welcomed.

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Daybreak volume 3 chapter 9 out...

I don't have much to say, so I'll leave it at that =P

Now: small announcement by krytyk:

I tolerated the people asking "nCode can you send me xxx to mail?" and dropping their addressees for entire months, but this started getting annoying - not only it doesn't stop, but also there's more and more of them. As far as I know, nCode has dropped his email ( in the comments, if you want him to share anything with you - email him. Comments are not the place for that kind of thing. All of these comments are and will be going straight to trash folder.


OSO and Bartle's Taxonomy: why Yun shouldn't play like you

One of my biggest pet peeves on this site is how many Only Sense Online readers criticize Yun's actions because she doesn't play like they do. Sure, Yun is made to be a little too much of a doormat (the topic of whether doormat = feminine is an entirely different topic and will make its proponents sound stereotyped/chauvinistic regardless of realism). However, Yun's actions as a gamer does make sense, despite many complaints. And the fact many gamers sees Yun as "un-gamer-esque" is just another showing of how lopsided and poorly balanced many of our gaming environments are, and why many parts of the gaming community is struggling to pull in more players or even stay pertinent for more than a year or two.

Welcome to Bartle's Taxonomy, or the study of the four player types -- achievers, explorers, socializers, and killers -- and how they balance a proper, thriving, and long-term gaming ecosystem

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Overdue updates and musings

Much like Krytyk, the new Daybreak chapter is overdue. Unlike Krytyk though, I haven't been abnormally busy (just my usual level of busy). What did delay this chapter was the fact it was... extremely unpleasant to write.

Still... I did not spend years talking to psychology majors, reading their works, or watch all of Crash Course: Psychology for nothing!


Also per request, I did update v3ch7's maps with keys.

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